0: Awareness
I've heard of the technique and can regurgitate a definition and a couple of use cases. I can probably pass a really bad phone screen (and in my experience, most of them are).
1: Familiarity
It's intrigued me enough that I've read up on it. I've probably looked at some code that uses it, and I can pick it out of a crowd, but I still mentally skip over it when reading its code (a bad habit that makes it harder to get past this phase).
At this point, if I were asked "what is X" or "how does X work" in an interview, I can probably pass the question, as long as there isn't a followup involving coding or something like "what are the pitfalls of using X over the long term", which is why I don't use questions like that in interviews anymore!
2: Functional Understanding
At this point I've either had to work with someone else's code that uses it, or else I've gone through an article that shows how to use it. I don't mentally skip over it anymore, and I can debug and modify it with some difficulty. Importantly, I can tell someone else what it's doing, but I will probably get embarrassed if I try to get into the details or (worse) debug it with them.
But I can't usefully synthesize anything with it. I get to a point in code and think, "Ah, this is a good place to use X!". Two hours (or more) later, I have bruises on my forehead from bashing it into the desk, I'm thinking "THIS CAN NOT BE THAT HARD", and I start wondering why I don't stay with the subset of techniques I know like the back of my hand. That's really tempting.
I get stuck in stage 2 a lot. I was there with C++ template metaprogramming for about five years, and I'm still there right now with Python metaclasses.
3: Understanding
After several frustrating episodes in stage 2, I do exactly the same thing in another context and... it makes sense. It works. I don't believe it, so I tweak things that should make it break, and it breaks in predictable ways. And I can reverse the tweaks and have it work again, predictably.
At this point, I always have the same three internal questions: a) do I really understand this? b) how did I not really understand this before? and c) what am I missing? I get uncomfortable not knowing how I know something.
Then all is well until I try to teach it to someone else, and we end up in another multi-hour WTF session.
What I've really learned at this stage is a single "groove" that works. As long as I don't deviate too much from the way I've used the technique, everything is fine. I think that subconsciously I know the limitations of that "groove", so I don't tend to make the little changes that expose the rough corners of my understanding. When I'm working with someone else, they have different edges to their own understanding. That's when I get this "uh-oh" feeling that tells me I really don't know what's going to happen when we do this.
Absent working with other people, I still think I understand it, which is a dangerous bit of self-delusion, and the biggest reason I'd rather work with a team than solo.
4: Competence
I don't know how I get here either, except maybe via repetitions of stage 3. In fact I don't usually notice even getting to this stage. The sign is usually that I'm having to do something outside the "groove" of my usual use of a technique, and that little "uh-oh" goes off, and then... it still works. Or else someone asks me about what would happen in a nasty corner case, and what comes out of my mouth is a better explanation of the details than I thought I could come up with.
This is also the point at which I finally feel comfortable writing about the technique, showing someone else how to use it, or trying to extend or modify it. The irony of it is that unless I do those things earlier, when I don't feel competent to do so, I tend not to get to this stage.
The funniest thing about this model is that if I look at code I've written in the past, I can usually pick out where I was on the scale when I wrote it. Again, I can't say exactly what the "tells" are, but when I get to stage 4 on something and look back at earlier code, I can think "ahh, ok, I was stuck in stage 2 at the time, and the places this code will break are probably X, Y, and Z."... and they usually are.
Forget owner's manuals--I wish brains came with source code. This progression would make a lot more sense then.