Tuesday, January 18, 2005

PyWebOff: a Desperately-Needed Event

From the site:
PyWebOff is a compare-and-contrast exercise to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of some of the major Python web application frameworks.
Thank you! This is something that we Pythonistas really need.

So far, the answer to "how does Python support web programming?" has been "well, there's Zope, Webkit, CherryPy, Quixote, Woven..." There hasn't been much "If you want X, then you probably want Y." advice.

XML support in Python has the same issues. Maybe some disinterested party can do a similar analysis there.


Anonymous said...

Well, for a while, I maintained a fairly superficial overview of Web modules and frameworks which then became the confusing WebProgramming section of the PythonInfo Wiki. Then, I decided to squeeze a fairly basic API out of them all and turn it into a package of its own: WebStack. I suppose I just haven't announced it widely enough since very few people have mentioned it in their commentaries, or it isn't what people want (despite it being very similar to what some people have said they want).

Anyway, here's the link: http://www.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=WebStack

- Paul

Anonymous said...


didnt find your email immediately, so I'm leaving this note yonder.

did you say you were interested in a small wiki? here is one in python written by a pal of mine. he says it has a fine editor attached (that is written in javascript). I haven't tested it (I use moin at home) but duncan is really good so check it out.

And thanks for making the link to TheAbhidharma also; good job.



Anonymous said...


didnt find your email immediately, so I'm leaving this note yonder.

did you say you were interested in a small wiki? here is one in python written by a pal of mine. he says it has a fine editor attached (that is written in javascript). I haven't tested it (I use moin at home) but duncan is really good so check it out.

And thanks for making the link to TheAbhidharma also; good job.

